A friendly reminder.

Good day,

A Single Round has been live for three days. 

It’s fantastic. Thank you for all those that have downloaded it and hopefully enjoyed it.

If you haven’t had a chance to pick up the book here is the link.


If you prefer a paperback or a hardcover, those are available soon.

The audio version will be released on October 30th.

If you enjoy podcasts, episodes of Stories from a Hard Place will be available wherever you tune in to your podcasts in early November, 2020.

If you have had a chance to read A Single Round, please consider leaving a review.

Reviews are one of the greatest boost to a book's visibility.

CLICK HERE to leave a review.

In January, 2021, A Lead Pill, a second collection of short stories from a HardPlace will be released. 

Coming in October, 2021, Hard Place, the novel.


A month later


It’s Live!